Thursday, October 8, 2009


Have you been in a moment when a baby is born?
Have you noticed how it reaches out for that comforting touch?
When one person stands out for it, and when others dont matter much?
Have you seen the mother go insane?
When the unsaid is said, when she experiences bliss?
Have you heard that loud joy in her pain?

Do you remember being tought how to write?
Do you remeber being held in strong arms, when you tripped...
Or the anxiety, when you went out of sight?
That magic balm, those caring hands applied?
To make you calm, everytime you cried?

Did Someone ever brighten up your day?
By just showing up, on your way?
Did your friends ever call you lame?
Because the only thing you did, was talk about her
But she didnt even know your name?
Did you ever see that special dream ?
When you were about to tell her, but you woke up by your brother's scream?

Did you hear out the old couple staying next door?
How they stood by each other through the thick and thin in life?
Did you notice that old man proudly calling himself the husband and her the wife?
Did you see that promise beyond his only good eye?
Which said to her " I'll be there for you even after i die"?


Guns, Bombs, Violence, Bloodshed
Sometimes, in my dreams I confess they trouble me.
Why did we turn against ourselves...
Why the disgust, Why this tyranny...
I want to blame it on ignorance, religion etc. etc..
But i cant, because deep within me
I knew the reason for our apathy...
And I just could not stop this voice crying out loud
"Mortals we are , and this is how we were meant to be."

Love all hate none..
What idiot wrote this...??
Kill him too, shoot him down with a gun...
We kill, we rape, we betray, we burn...
There is no end to this agony,
We ourselves drew boundaries, don't you see...
We are criminals and are being charged for felony
"Mortals we are , and this is how we were meant to be."

Peace , righteousness, non-violence, goodwill
We talk about all the time...
Go back to history..and answer this..
Were Things ever sublime...
We Butchered then and we do it now too
Things will never change, I am afraid but it is true..
There is NO " Lived happily ever after"
You expect happiness?? have u forgotten we were born crying....Dpnt u see the irony??
Please realize
"Mortals we are , and this is how we were meant to be."

So lie, hate , kill as much as you can
Don't worry, go ahead, it is alright, it is not a scam..
think about you and yourselves only....
Lets build a hell here itself, it would prepare us
Because when we finally go there, it will feel warm and homely..
So the next time yu do something really bad , and feel sorry...
just remember..
"Mortals we are , and this is how we were meant to be."