Thursday, October 8, 2009


Have you been in a moment when a baby is born?
Have you noticed how it reaches out for that comforting touch?
When one person stands out for it, and when others dont matter much?
Have you seen the mother go insane?
When the unsaid is said, when she experiences bliss?
Have you heard that loud joy in her pain?

Do you remember being tought how to write?
Do you remeber being held in strong arms, when you tripped...
Or the anxiety, when you went out of sight?
That magic balm, those caring hands applied?
To make you calm, everytime you cried?

Did Someone ever brighten up your day?
By just showing up, on your way?
Did your friends ever call you lame?
Because the only thing you did, was talk about her
But she didnt even know your name?
Did you ever see that special dream ?
When you were about to tell her, but you woke up by your brother's scream?

Did you hear out the old couple staying next door?
How they stood by each other through the thick and thin in life?
Did you notice that old man proudly calling himself the husband and her the wife?
Did you see that promise beyond his only good eye?
Which said to her " I'll be there for you even after i die"?


Guns, Bombs, Violence, Bloodshed
Sometimes, in my dreams I confess they trouble me.
Why did we turn against ourselves...
Why the disgust, Why this tyranny...
I want to blame it on ignorance, religion etc. etc..
But i cant, because deep within me
I knew the reason for our apathy...
And I just could not stop this voice crying out loud
"Mortals we are , and this is how we were meant to be."

Love all hate none..
What idiot wrote this...??
Kill him too, shoot him down with a gun...
We kill, we rape, we betray, we burn...
There is no end to this agony,
We ourselves drew boundaries, don't you see...
We are criminals and are being charged for felony
"Mortals we are , and this is how we were meant to be."

Peace , righteousness, non-violence, goodwill
We talk about all the time...
Go back to history..and answer this..
Were Things ever sublime...
We Butchered then and we do it now too
Things will never change, I am afraid but it is true..
There is NO " Lived happily ever after"
You expect happiness?? have u forgotten we were born crying....Dpnt u see the irony??
Please realize
"Mortals we are , and this is how we were meant to be."

So lie, hate , kill as much as you can
Don't worry, go ahead, it is alright, it is not a scam..
think about you and yourselves only....
Lets build a hell here itself, it would prepare us
Because when we finally go there, it will feel warm and homely..
So the next time yu do something really bad , and feel sorry...
just remember..
"Mortals we are , and this is how we were meant to be."

Sunday, June 21, 2009

About Sports, Rum and Girls....

Girls and alcohol...add up to Devdas kind of a story , dont they?
Dont worry this is not.

A real man cant ask for a better topic than this, can he?
Before i start let me also say that this might be the last nonsensical(if that is a word) blog i am writing, but i have to get somethings off my chest before i move on to the more "intellectual" ones, i cant help it ,i am a juvenile being after all!

Lets start with sports, now i confess that i m not a very big follower of football,or sports(neither totally oblivious FYI!!) in general but i really enjoy playing, i used to play basketball in my school days, i wouldn't say i was very good , i was fine, but i loved the game i loved everything about it, the 3 seconds, lay ups, the three pointers,time outs, even the referring is fun, its amazing to be their in that court fighting for that beautiful orange ball, in short the game is just too awesome for my crappy description! I wonder why i didn't play during my college days(maybe because i didn't like the NRIs and the bangys --> i m just kidding--->or am i??),whatever was the reason the good thing is that i am reunited with my long lost love and relish each moment in the courts. Anyone interested in playing and reading this blog(the probability of the which of course is one in one million) in Bangalore lets meet up Saturdays/Sundays.

Coming to the next part Rum, well i have tasted almost all kind of liquor, in fact i have kind of had my Keshto Mukherjee moments too, but to be frank i never could understand what the so called "connoisseurs" find so delicious in the beverage. It tastes awful,smells bad and makes me vomit. Enter White Rum, and i become one of them connoisseurs.
Let me tell u the secret to a divine drink:
White Rum + Appy Fizz + Pudina + Soda + lot of ice + lemon==Heaven.
Talking about alcohol also reminds me of "Drink Responsibly", who came up with this? Didn't he know that the first word makes everything (and everyone) that follows redundant.
In conclusion, I'd say give it a try ,its worth it!!
Cheers and Drink Responsibly.

and finally, the last and least topic-->Girls
I love girls, they are the best thing that happened to man, i mean who doesn't give a double (and in my case a "triple") stare at a hot "Gal" passing by, but why did God have to make them so complex. I wish every man had the "see a thought bubble" power when it came to girls, whatever a girl is thinking appears as a thought bubble over her head, just like comic books, life would become so damn easy. I don't think girls need this power and the reason is twofold ,one, it involves reading and two, what use would be a blank bubble to them. Thats right , take the most fundu guy , put him in front of a girl(if he is an engineer), or a beautiful girl(if he is not an engineer) and see him transforming to a dodo. Now that is what i call power, Troy is not a myth!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Aajtak is the Pakistan of media, yes i said it-->someone had to!!!!

The channel is shameless, meaningless, full of filthy news, has an insanely stupid top management but somehow it manages to attract everyone's attention.
The "Breaking News" that forced me to write about them is "Akshay ne kiya Kareena ko shaadi ke liye inkaaar". 3 minutes into the sansanikhez khabar they were playing a song from a film, and the reporter went "Akshay ki shararat number ek". The conclusion of the news was "Akshay ki laakh koshish ke baad bhi kareena ne dikha diya ki wo bhi kapoor khaandan ki hai"

What the hell is this? Who's idea was this? What was he thinking--> "Well we are the responsible media of India , our job is to give our citizens a wide view of whats happening in and around our country,what better than show how Akshay annoyed Kareena in a movie"??? Even a 5 year old kid would have come up with something more creative than this total bull crap!! I dont want to listen what Akshay did to Kareena,or how Aamir Khan got a 6 pack, who is Dhoni dating or how many times Salman used the bathroom today, what i would like to know is what are the people who we put to power doing about our country today, where is the money going that i pay as tax every year, is Bombay municipality all geared up for this monsoon season, will we have drivable roads after the monsoon for which we pay upto 12.5% road tax, what about the infinite government policies for underprivileged children with some big name attached to them,like Indira Gandhi baal shiksa vikas yojna or something , what about them, is our future well educated, has our government taken satisfactory steps to stop cross border menance?????Now these are somethings i would like to hear about when i switch on my TV every morning.

The second(amongst the infinite others) thing that i hate about Aajtak is Prabhu Chawla, is he under the impression that intelligent journalism is to call people, annoy and embarrass them as well as himself with useless,clueless talk, and then behave as if he got something really meaningful out of the interview or does he smoke weed? He is sooo sooo stupid that in one interview he admitted that he is just sitting there for TRP. I think he should watch Karan Thapar on Hard Talk sometime, that might do him and all who watch his show some good.

The bottom line is Indian media should understand their responsibility. They should realize that opinions get created on the basis of what media portrays, what will the children learn if saas bahu sagas, some Khan's stomach or Prabhu Chawla is all they have to show on National news channels. We are Indians, we are a patient lot, but everything has a limit to it, its high time our media got it's act together!!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Thankyou God!!

I dont know about you guys but i am/was a big fate basher, God nagger, or as all "mod gals" put it now a days--> Whateverrrrrr kind of a guy.
But it took just one documentary on Discovery, to change my outlook.(Take that Aastha). No it was not spiritual, on the contrary it was about a person suffering with a disease known as treeman disease though the medical name is Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis and the cause is some chromosome mutation, which to a lame guy(me) means it can happen to anyone. The condition is agonizing ; branch like things start growing from the patients hands and feet, to add to the pain these growths are carcinogenic and the patient undergoes complete immunity loss, so any infection is deadly.
I was horrified(obviously), sympathetic(towards the patients) and thankful(to God) at the same time, the memory has stuck to me like a Cilice, to remind me how lucky i am, how lucky we all are.There is a definite reduction in the nagging and bashing...
Every morning is a pleasure to wake up to.
Thankyou God!!!
Conclusion: I am happy because i saw a person suffer with a horrible disease, i m a sadist.
on a Serious note: Things are fine, enjoy every moment, it could be a lot worse.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Book Reading.

45 minutes of thought, and i come up with an irreproachable heading--> Book Reading

Anyways i recently read 2 books, One is Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts(Which one is the author you would think....). Its a single name you Indian fools!!!
and the other one is The White Tiger By Aravinda Adiga(Now there is a name).

Let me start with Shantaram, though the author claims that it's inspired by true events, i later came to know from a source(Google) that most of it is a work of fiction. It starts with an Australian ,a heroin addict and a convicted bank robber(again a single guy!!!) reaching India. He arrives at Bombay and has no clue what he is going to do, he takes Dharavi to be a war torn refugee camp and of course is enthralled by the poverty(owing to his skin pigmentation), he decides to stay here for good. His life from hereon is a roller coaster ride. He meets this mysterious woman Karla, who he falls in love with, this very interesting, head wiggling, hinglish speaking taxi driver who he thankfully does not fall in love with and a dozen others. The book revolves around the author's experiences in our slums, prison,underworld, bollywood(yes bollywood!!) and Afghanistan .
Conclusion -->By the time you will finish this book you wont have an iota of doubt about whites being insanely crazy.
Actual Conclusion--> I loved his narrative, which gets vividly graphic at times making it all the more saucy...his way of putting the lifestyle of the slum dwellers and the slums, where humanity is not a myth.He actually tells the reader that its not Taj Mahal or, or, or... well Taj Mahal is all we've got, but the people of India that define the "Incredible" in Incredible India(Take that Pakistan!!).

Coming on to my second conquest The White Tiger,
I think the book is just like this Blog's heading.. i mean clearly Aravinda Adiga gave a lot of thought, the idea is really cool(letters to the Chinese President) but it finally didn't add up to anything interesting.
Conclusion: Its not a good read.
Actual Conclusion: The conclusion is totally correct.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Innovative Film City

So one Sunday, we decide to take a break from sleeping through out the day and go somewhere, i m not a very big fan of places full of people, but unlike our country , our house is a democracy so we packed up and started for innovative film city. Learning from the past reminiscences i chose not to be the navigator this time and no wonder keeping quite helped, we reached the place and even better--> on time.

Let me start like a true film critic, the tickets are insanely costly!!
But the crowd is one level better than the Shopping Mall crowd, yeah the shopping mall crowd, the wobbly bobbly people, u have seen them....big stomachs, cant see their feet, cant walk, shake like jelly when running?

We took the Ripley's Package(quite a corny name for a Family place, don't u think?)apart from other things,it has a Haunted house, and i recommend it to all the couples who haven't even hugged yet.Then there is Ripley's believe it or not...and believe i really could not, its just a television showing what we all have probably seen on AXN. one funny incident though, there was this woman in there who was more concerned to boast about her Sunday in her "Kitty Circle " apparently. She had let the hell loose on clicking photos, you should have seen her go.Now there was a periscope there, you have to keep your eye and you see Albert Einstein, what is so unbelievable in that first of all, anyhow instead of seeing it through her eye she put her camera in the eye slot and clicked pictures of that too, that was actually the only "Believe it or not" i got to see that day.

Then there is a Dinosaur park, with all kinds of rhinocatomatoratosores in it, quite interesting actually if you are a genuine paleontologist, and if you are not they have got the play stations too. Thats all about it ,what i can remember.

Moral of the Story: Don't go there...Recommend it to your manager though

Just a perfect way to start a day

U know there are somethings, which one never knows one likes, until they happen....
like for example i didn't know i love Bitches( by which i actually do mean bitches FYI)

We have this 11 month old golden retriever with our next door neighbor, her name is "Della", and here is why i used a "her" instead of "its". I was late for office as usual and i was passing by my neighbor who also has this child day care center(which is something i want to write about too...coming soon), and what i see is one little girl who probably is a child being 'day cared'.... sitting on Della's head and beating the crap out of it, and this patient bitch just sits there as if enjoying it....How does she know that its only a child hitting, and that is how children are...and she needs to be patient? I could actually use some of her patience tips..
Moral of the story: if u look at things long enough, ull find gyaan all around ,he he he
just kidding
Actual Moral of the Story:U see something nice and u think --> What a nice day, but later u see your manager.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Meree Mitti Mera Dess...

and counting, no prizes for guessing
yes its where we stand on our record breaking run towards population burst(Hum dus tak gine ge, bhaag China bhaag)!!!

I Don't know what image the Americans and other western countries must have of India and its people, but if one goes by the Hollywood flicks, one might just find oneself being projected as a snake charmer huddled up near Taj Mahal, praying , whilst Americans save the world from some weird crisis. (Mars Attacks, Armageddon to name a few).As if this were not enough slumdog just one upped our "poor, hungry" India. (Whats up with the Caucasian obsession with poverty anyway!!).

We are the land of Gandhi, we have the tatas, birlas and ambanis, we have graduates getting job offers of 1.44 crores , we have Tata Nano, we have "anulom vilom",we trashed our enemy at the world's highest battleground, In spite of our differences , we click as a nation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We have 330 million Gods for God's sake(i dont know what in heaven they were upto last year during the Mumbai crisis though,)....
just to conclude and not to pull through, we are not perfect , but have all potential to do good
Jai Bharat